15. Juni 2017

RE-CREATE YOUR SELF – a unique Safari Coaching-Retreat in South Africa

RE-CREATE YOUR SELF is a unique adventure, combining an exciting safari experience with the adventure of exploring your SELF and discovering a new way of BEING. […]
22. September 2015

In honour of World Rhino Day

Today in honour of World Rhino Day, we would like to share a beautiful and interesting blog from Gondwana Game Reserve, one of Elela Africa’s partners, […]
19. Juni 2015

Auch ein wildes Nashorn braucht manchmal Pflege – Urlaubs-Ranger bei der Arbeit

Nicht nur in den großen Nationalparks, auch in den privaten Game Reserves in Südafrika wird versucht, so wenig wie möglich in die Natur einzugreifen. Das Ökosystem […]
10. April 2015

My Safari at the Kruger and in Botswana (Review from Karina V.)

My amazing week filled with adventure, inspirations and impressions. It was for me a dream come true. Once I wanted to walk the Kruger Park to […]
18. März 2015

Elela Africa’s game ranger experience now available in Botswana

With our newly formed partnership with Eco Training we are happy to be able to extend our program to Botswana. The camp is located in the […]
28. Februar 2015

Elela Africa zur ITB 2015 in Berlin

Elela Africa wird zur ITB 2015 in Berlin sein. Wir sind gerade im winterlich sonnigen Deutschland angekommen und freuen uns auf eine Messe mit vielen reiselustigen […]