19. November 2016

Hyenas have taken over a ghost town in the Namib Desert

In Namibia, hyenas have taken over a ghost town and abandoned mines in the Lüderitz area of the southern Namib Desert. Pictures show the brown hyenas […]
15. November 2016

Exciting Whale Sighting at the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town

A dwarf sperm whale, the smallest of all whale species, paid a visit to Cape Town’s number one tourist hotspot. Earlier this week, a different kind […]
9. November 2016

Happy Elephant Family – big five conservation experience in South Africa

At the beginning of this year alone, three elephant calves were born at Gondwana Game Reserve. Causing lots of excitement among the hardworking conservation team, it […]
5. Oktober 2015

We had a marvellous family safari in South Africa

I booked the family program with Elela Africa to have a bonding experience with my three children. We had a marvellous time and we still talk […]
5. Oktober 2015

We had a marvellous family safari getting involved in wildlife conservation on our holiday in South Africa.

I booked the conservation family program with Elela Africa to have a bonding experience with my three children. We had a marvellous time and we still […]